Leaders and Committees


ASID Alabama offers a variety of opportunities that allow our members to impact the chapter, the profession, and their personal & professional growth. We’re continuously seeking enthusiastic and creative members wanting to serve as a volunteer; your voice and ideas are always welcome and invaluable. Below is a list of our currently active committees, if you see one or more that interests you, contact the office at administrator@al.asid.org for more information.




Time Commitment

State Conference

To plan the annual state conference and awards celebration; to include location, events, etc. (CEU’s will be obtained by the Professional Development Director)

Year-long endeavor with meetings scheduled as the committee sees fit. Typically, 3 to 4 in-person meetings, with multiple videoconference meetings.

Strategic Planning

To establish the chapter strategic plan and tactics for the upcoming year.

Short-term commitment involving one in-person meeting.

Awards and Competitions

To oversee the various chapter awards and competitions, and develop proposed adjustments to the competitions/awards. A chairperson for each of the competitions will be chosen from the committee members.

Year-long endeavor with meetings scheduled as the committee sees fit. Typically, only 1 in-person meeting; most planning and contact will be done through email.

Sponsorships & Advertising

To establish the chapters’ sponsorship program using past efforts and analysis, and set effective methods of obtaining sponsors.

Short-term commitment involving at least 1 in-person meeting, with follow-up work done through email.

Newsletter Committee/Social Media

To obtain articles, photos, and other newsletter content.

On-going endeavor with little time commitments. No in-person meetings.

Design Community Leaders

One chair, or two co-chairs, per community; practitioner members only. To plan consistent CEUs and social events in each design community.

No in-person committee meetings. Medium to heavy time commitment depending on the number and type of events. Responsible for attending any events they plan for their community

Member Recruitment/Retention

To establish methods for gaining and retaining members through membership drive events/initiatives, and reach out to potential and at-risk members.

Year-long endeavor with meetings scheduled as the committee sees fit. Typically, only 1 to 2 in-person meetings; most planning and contact will be done through email.

Student Affairs

To schedule, plan, and oversee student events: Student Career Forum, recruitment events, graduation receptions, etc.

Year-long endeavor with meetings scheduled as the committee sees fit. Typically, only 3 to 4 in-person meetings in Birmingham.